Saturday, September 7, 2024

Woman Escape Four Years Torture as a Sex Slave' In a Barn for Cruel Experiments


Woman Escape Four Years Torture as a Sex Slave' In a Barn for Cruel Experiments

A woman kept as a sex slave in a barn for Four years, had all her teeth and lips removed leaving just a hole for the mouth for Cruel Experiments.

According to reports the woman who has been identified by her first name Malgorzata, is alleged to have been held captive in a barn near Glogow, Poland for four years.

She revealed her horrific experiences to doctors after she arrived at the hospital for dislocated shoulder.


She told fellow patients that she was being repeatedly raped and tortured while lockup in an unknown building, even got pregnant and having his baby.

Her alleged offender Mateusz Jach, 35, was charged last week with mental, physical and sexual abuse.

Credible source close to the investigation told MailOnline, From what we heard, the girl does not have lips now because of everything he had done to her. Her face is covered with bruises and she just has an open hole where her mouth his, without lips.

The woman said that offender Jach, was doing some kind of trial on her, he was experimenting and trying out different things on her.

Malgorzata, was admitted to the hospital on several occasions and even gave birth to a baby, but was too afraid of her attacker to tell anyone about the ordeal. She was forced to give the baby up for adoption, which she never gave her consent.

She was reportedly hospitalized multiple times for broken arms, legs and surgery for damage to her anus afflected by Mateusz, during the four year of her captivity.


Mateusz is accused of holding her hostage in a disused barn previously used for house animals, the barn has no electricity, running water or  heating and she had no access to a toilet.

On August 30, Mateusz, was arrested and charged  with mental, physical and sexual abuse.

Relative: Couple Who Visited India Announced They Were Beaten and The Woman gang Raped by 7 men.

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