Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ukrainian Citizen Arrested for killing Russian Woman in Peru

Ukrainian Citizen Arrested for killing Russian Woman in Peru
(Photo) of Lyudmila Lazarenko

A Ukrainian Citizen has been arrested for killing a Russian woman in Peru, at a spiritual healing center.

The incident occured in the city of Yurimaguas at the Dos Mundos personal development center, know for spiritual healing.

Lyudmila Lazarenko 44-year-old Russian woman and Ivan Kuzmin, where both interested in learning about traditional medicines.

The two met a year ago by sharing similar interests in a hallucinogenic drink used in traditional rituals. 


Reports are that both Kuzmin and Lazarenko were taking illegal substances together which may have caused Kuzmin to behave aggressively.

Workers at the center heard loud noise and scream coming from Kuzmin room. Unsuccessful to enter the room, staff quickly alerted the police.

Upon the arrival police found Lazarenko body dismembered and Kuzmin behaving inappropriately during the arrest, scratching and biting.


He was sentence to 9 months of pre-trial detention on suspicion of the gruesome murder of the Russian woman by the Supreme Court of Peru.

More Details to Come.

See Images on Telegram: Warning Sensitive Contents on Channel 

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