Saturday, March 11, 2023

Metal Components Found In The Vaccine: Watch Video

Images of Metal Components Found In The Vaccine

On Monday, 20th September in the pathological institute in Reutlingen, the results of the autopsies of eight people who died after COVID 19 vaccination will be presented. The fine tissue analyses were performed by pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang.

The findings confirm Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher's finding that among more than 40 corpses he autopsied who had died within two weeks of COVID19 vaccination, approximately one-third of those deaths were caused by the vaccination.

Microscopic details of the tissue changes will be shown during the live-streamed press conference. Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz will report on the current parameters of the statistical recording of vaccination events.

The press conference will also present the results of the analysis of COVID-19 vaccine samples by an Austrian research group, which are in line with the findings of scientists from Japan and the USA. Undeclared metal containing components were found in the vaccine. Visually, vaccine elements are conspicuous by their unusual shape.

Metal Components Found In The Vaccine:Video Translated in English


The results of the investigation have led to legal and political demands, for example, for the immediate collection of information by the authorities in order to be able to assess the health risk posed to the population by the COVID-19 vaccines. For example, early signals of impaired fertility in vaccinated individuals can be examined by consulting IVF registries. Through the cancer registry, insights can be gained into the development of cancer due to the genetic modifications of the viral RNA. Suspension of COVID-19 vaccination should be considered.

Metal Found:Images

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